Sorairo Square Ch.01 + 02

Despite delays for multiple series, we pick up another one, from the vault.

Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
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So yeah, we have another new series that has been ‘picked up’. To be perfectly honest, we’ve had this sitting around for almost as long as we’ve been a group. Partially because an unfortunate soul has done the first two chapters as well–with the terrible share raws–but it’s mostly because I’m just a horribly lazy person.

Thus cue the magnificent K, who has graced us with his presence, and swooped in and did these first two chapters in under 26 hours! Absolutely crazy. (You may know him from the iM@S circuit.) A gentleman and a scholar.

So what is Sorairo Square? Well, it’s is a story of three childhood friends who split up and have now come back together after all these years. But, what’s this? They form a lovey dovey love-triangle? And there are multiple twists?! One could only assume no good can come from this. Or can it?

All in all, it’s a treat to read and work on. Also Don’t Cry, Girl and Houkago Play will be out soon too. Probably. Hopefully.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.16

The phrase of the week is… “Hey, I challenge you to a children’s card game!”

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Mokkochi is back once again! Although the chapter is shorter than most, it’s decently nice. We personally didn’t find it as soul-crushingly depressing as the last one. But who knows, maybe it was for you. If so, I’m sorry then good sir and/or madam.

But it managed to collectively sell 100,000 copies!

That’s pretty damn impressive, considering how small it’s origin was, or how small we are at that.

Cleaning and TL were finished within minutes of each other, and since the chapter was short I actually had a chance to edit the TL. (I rarely get a chance to it as of late) Hopefully I did a good job.

Housekeeping Whatever: Again, we’re still looking for a spare Typesetter, since I’ve been slacking. Will definitely try to pick up the pace soon.
Also, if you noticed, the blog looks different. Or maybe just looks like a bad Chinese knockoff of the original. (Sorry UTW!) I spent a little while trying to redesign stuff to mesh with our WWW theme of being ‘dark’. I’m not very good at coding HTML/PHP and CSS so sorry if things are buggy.

/a/nother Triumph for Manga: Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

I must preface by saying no this is not our release. It is simply something I, メイル, endorse.
If you are going to update it on Mangaupdates use the name “Anonymous“, not us! Understand?

[Get it Here]

Anyway, here is another one of this triumphs for manga, and scanlation in as a whole. A random chapter picked up by various Anonymous, for Anonymous, and the world at large, to enjoy. Little did OP know that his simple thread would spiral into such a wonderful thing. Hell, I didn’t know I would help end up causing something similar six months ago.

So why am I excited for this? Because Monster Girls are a integral part of /a/ culture. (I seriously hope you’ve gotten your healthy dose of HORA recently.) Also because while totally not doing what I’m supposed to be doing–that is typesetting Don’t Cry Girl/Houkago Play–I made shoddy levels for them to clean/typeset on.

If you have no idea what this is, it’s essentially a manga based on the same exact concept from comics, sharing the same name, from a few years ago. They’re NSFW, obviously, but they’re moe, and I heard moe things are kind of a big deal.

Either way the ‘moral’ of the story is that /a/ is the best scanlator in the whole damn world.
Again, this is not released by us! But support it anyway!

Thank you Based Anonymous; see you all next month.
is published in the Monthly Comic Ryu.

Poor Little Japanese Girl

So our website was hacked by some mysterious organization named Nebula. What the fuck.
What kind of stupid name is “Nebula” anyways. And Doctor Wily? Who the heck is Doctor Wily?!

A-anyway, little Tomoko is getting a Hollywood movie! Though, for some reason, it’s eerily reminiscent of a certain homosexual pornography series. And is…is that a Gaijin 4-koma!?

(New chapter this week)