Tomomote Ch.10

This has been sitting around done for a week, but I’ve been busy playing around with my controller mixing stuff, and well–yeah–that’s pretty much it. Sorry!

If you have problems with MEGA try using MegaDownloader. Hopefully I/we can fix up all the stuff that’s been broken or missing for a while. If you’re pretty shell savvy, know your way around Debian, and wouldn’t mind being the dedicated tech member of W3, please hit is up, aha.

DDL: [MEGA] | Online: [Reader]

9 thoughts on “Tomomote Ch.10”

  1. Meiru, there’s a typo on the first page, where Tomoko says “blgo” instead of “blog”.


    • Fine, fine, it’s fixed. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

      I hate self QCing. Looking at the pages a dozen different times over a week, even more so editing other parts of that exact page, in that exact balloon, I missed that. Fucking why.

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