Akatsuki no Memoria Ch.06

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We draw the first volume of Akatsuki no Memoria to a close. It was a pretty fun ride going through the whole thing, though I still left the title itself romanized, aha. Volume 2 is being scanned very soon, and I’ll probably finish that batch I wanted to do, later, maybe.

Housekeeping: If you emailed us using the Contact Form in the past month or so, it’s been broken (oops), so please do try to resend your emails, if any. I’ll try to respond if I can and stuff.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.27

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Delayed until today because of the big “Fuck you!” in terms of redrawing panels. (No offense to Tanigawa-sensei.) But they were all splendidly redrawn by dusthillguy in the end, so thank him if you see him!

Replaced Akatsuki no Memoria because I didn’t really have time to finish it for today, but at least the anime ended in a Yuriverse. We also finally got the lot of books we needed, so I have to ship them off to our scanner to, you know, scan… and stuff. Hopefully all of these will start picking back up within the year so help me 神様. I know too many people have been waiting for us to get back to them. I’m sorry…!

Edit: Holy crap. Just realized the export script messes up some of the compressed screentones before upload. I will remedy this with the next chapter.

Akatsuki no Memoria Ch.05

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Despite what may be occurring, someone is clearly hiding something. Who might that be. 人退 > SAO.

Another season of animu is winding down. Fall looks decent, to me at least. Can’t wait for Robotics;Notes and Little Busters to get spammed everywhere like it’s the next best thing. Totally can’t wait. As per usual I’ll probably pick up most (30-35) of the shows, then drop them within 10 episodes because they’re boring. I’m more excited for the OVAs that are coming out, than the season as a whole.

And of course, K will be forced to watch K. Hopefully that doesn’t suck, for his sake.