WataMote Ch.101 / (N/A) Recruitment?

Watamote 101: MEGA ★ Reader

I forgot that even if something is short it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’ll take less time to do…

Anyway, this is some sort of call to people that read WataMote/manga in general. If you’re a fan of WataMote and have ever thought “Hey, I want to work on that manga too!”, then I will say that I’m tentatively looking for 1… maybe 2 people to join the group and work on things. The catch is that I don’t want just any generic person that’ll be super eager for a week or two then magically disappear. I’ve had enough of those over the years, and honestly, it’s not very fun to deal with anymore.

The kind of person/people I am looking for are those that willingly sacrifice themselves for the greater good; those that understand than this is a selfless, thankless, tireless hobby to be in. It’s a hobby that you care enough to treat it like a “job”, working for the sake of delivering a release that would best represent the author/artist to the rest of the world. No experience in anything is necessary; the only thing you need is an eagerness learn, and the tenacity to overcome adversity. I will teach you everything I know about this silly world of scanlation.

Send any inquiries via email or on Twitters. tybby

WataMote Ch.100

DDL: [MEGA] | Online: [Reader]

If you told me on October 10, 2011 that I would still be scanlating, let alone working on WataMote, I would have called you fucking crazy. And yet… here we are. Thanks to you all for being a huge part in making this series what it is. We–I–honestly would not even be here if not for this very manga. In commemoration of this milestone I blended in a bit of the old with the new as a throwback to a time when things were much more simplistic and driven by sheer force of will. There is much more I could say–but alas, it’s very late here, so I leave you to enjoy the chapter. Thank you.