Dead Dead c10

Okay so here is the 10th glorious chapter of DDDdDDDD/Dead Dead/デデデデ/Deeeeeaaaddd, the one where you find out more about Some guy nobody cares about.

I also have been scanning and uploading Murai’s anthology/art book. (from the guy who did Cathexis and Cat in the Car). Its my first time scanning and TLing all at once and my Japanese is very very basic and slow, so expect very slow updates and bad scans.

That’s the entire post, but Meiru is making wall of texts that are hard to follow, so here is a list of some albums from this year that I enjoyed:

Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c010 – Reader / DDL

Dead Dead Demons v1 END (c01, c02(v2), c07+c08)

Here is the complete volume 1 of Dead Dead Demons, which will be back sometime in the fall. This includes a v2 of chapter 02 with missing pages, and our own chapter 01.

Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c001 – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c002 {v2} – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c007 – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c008 – DDL / Reader

To download the entire volume at once, go here, select all files, then download as zip: