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Truth be told, I’ve actually be on a bit of a ‘hiatus’ from scanlation. That’s why everyone else has been holding down the paper fort with releases between Watamote. But hey, winter is coming guys. Maybe I can actually work on that manga I haven’t done for months. Or maybe I can just sink another 100 hours into Vesperia, because it’s clearly the best Tales game. Yeah, I think I’ll do that soon. Hopefully.
Remember if you want to buy the volume, non affiliate links are here. Till next release then!
12/12/2012 Edit: Finished a bunch of website fixes. Some more noticeable than others.
16/12/2012 Edit: Server went down again because I wasn’t around to reinstate something. Sorry!
22/12/2012 Edit: There’s no real point to this edit. I just wanted to feel important too. :( -Scorp