Hi, I’m not dead, but nor am I a scanlator anymore. Anyway World Three’s website may be moving in the near future! With that though may come a price. The price of losing the reader we have now. Alternatives include coding our own, not using a reader forever, or directly using Batoto. Any thoughts or comments on if you use the reader/how much you use it/don’t use it would be helpful to determine course of action.
It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.46
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Click the image to get the full redrawn first page, because it looks great. Since it seems the pool of potential redrawers for the anthology is probably not going to get any bigger, I might start messaging those involved about finally moving forward on that thing. Maybe a future PSA from me on something, otherwise I’m going to get sucked up in FFXIV ARR when it comes out. rip productivity 2013-2013
It’s Not My Fault That My Friend’s Unpopular! Ch.06
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[24/7/2013 16:18:45] Meiru: delaying tomomote because I’m lazy and I want to sleep
Fun fact: 48% of the book is redraws (79/163). That’s a lot of pages and a lot of work. Here is a sampler of the first 10 pages that are redraws. These are not the hardest redraws by far, but still a good average of what is present. If you see yourself as someone who could handle this fine, then feel free to write in or leave a comment if the form is broken again. Don’t bother actually trying to redraw based on those pages though. They’re super low quality jpgs exported purely for translating.
I know a lot of people want this to go faster. Faster by disregarding quality and taking shortcuts. But if you want to basically see 50% of the book look like this, then I don’t know what tell you. しょうがないわね。
Also thanks to all those that already emailed about helping. I hope I managed to email back to all of you.
I really wish I had a secretary that could organize all this stuff for me. I’m sorry my emails are terrible.
It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.45
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Delayed yesterday because SirusRiddler was tripping out and saw maggots on his floor, but then didn’t. Delayed nine hours today because I watched Evan– I mean G Gund– I mean Pacific Rimjobs
The anthology is in limbo now, due to me slowly realizing the amount of work needed to complete is way more than the amount of people involved can easily handle, so I added a poll with the options we have.
Also DDLs are still going wherever until I can find a good place that also has a RSS feed to view uploads.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.44
DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Here’s the deal with the Anthology. We have it. I am more than willing to debind this thing and scan it.
The problem with the Anthology is that there is a huge amount of redraws like this. We only have one designated redrawer–dusthillguy–and he already is single handedly carrying the redraws of practically every project we do. Thus, if we’re going to do this thing, we’re going to need more redrawers.
If we don’t, well, we might just never do it. That’s not a threat or anything, just a realistic viewpoint. That’s not to say I don’t want to, I actually really like the anthology a lot, but I also have other projects I work on that are due for a revival so I’m not really inclined to dedicate all this time to combat a very steep uphill battle.
And I adjusted the volume numbers again, so stuff from previous posts might be broken. Whoops.
Watamote Vol.04 + Anthology Ordering Information
This is severely overdue at this point, but as of today they’re actually on sale, so why not just do it anyway.
Should also check back to the latest Watamote release too, since there has been some updates.
Amazon.co.jp | Honto | YesAsia | CDJapan | Square-Enix Store
Volume 4
Amazon.co.jp | Honto | YesAsia | CDJapan | Square-Enix Store
[¥500 = $5.09 USD = €3.88]
Once again I recommend Honto or CDJapan with SAL shipping (2-4 weeks), or EMS (1-2 weeks) if you can afford it. The latter over the former if you can’t into runes. YesAsia can screw you over with shipment times. AmazonJP should be avoided unless you like paying 3x the price of the book for shipping itself. I have no idea how SE’s store works, but it’s advertised so I included it this time.
Remember to support manga/authors you like!
It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.43 (v2’d)
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Meiru: Shockro pls tl watamote. i beg the
Shockro: I will
Shockro: do this
PuchimasuTL: Just put a big sign on the release post saying
Tomomote (maybe) getting scanned today, etc. There was no stream because my internet is being stupid.
Edit: The ratio of errors to pages exceeded 1:2. The chapter has been v2’d with error fixes. Links updated.
A Bunch of Things (That Aren’t Watamote)
Black Bullet Ch.08 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Houkago Play R Ch.01 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Houkago Play R Ch.02 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Houkago Play R Ch.03 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Shiiba-san no Ura Part 2 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Sadpanda]
So, we haven’t been really that busy, be have been, kinda. If that makes sense. Watamote info at the end.
First off, Black Bullet 08. This wasn’t supposed to come out (nor was 07 really), but because people suffered redraws, I figured I may as well. I’ve been using it as practice for various cleaning methods since a month ago, but after a series of events I had this urge to try to turn it into a faux-speedscan release, so I did. Took me on this long journey of trying to figure out how speedscan cleans are even done, and if I could replicate it myself. After maybe 48 hours total of working on this thing, I think I managed to figure it out pretty all right. I know I could’ve just gone to irchighway and asked someone there how, but I don’t like irchighway and I love tinkering in stuff like this. Learned a whole lot on how it’s (kinda) done, so that’s cool.
Cleaning is so tanoshii. Also, don’t expect Black Bullet to appear here again anytime soon. It’s a one-off.
Houkago Play R, I found someone to help with it. He’s a pretty cool guy I’ve known for a while. Has a scanlation group and stuff. I redid chapter one, did half of two, and he did the rest. Most of it is cleaned already, but only these three chapters are TL’d. More on why later.
Shiiba-san no Ura Part 2 is… yeah. I’m supposed to be doing that, but I’m lazy so M30WMIX did it for me.
Now, for Watamote, Ningen is out of the country somewhere in Yurope so he can’t translate it. Thus, for right now, we don’t have a translator to do it. I was supposed to mention this Monday, but I was too absorbed in BB08 then. Also because he’s not around, everything he TLs is stalled, which is a lot. It’s been fully cleaned since yesterday, so it’s either we wait for him to come back or find a temp person to TL. Yeah.
If you, or someone you know, likes Watamote and can TL please email or visit the IRC and we’ll try to take it from there. It’s all TL’d already. Hooray!
Also, KidCongo, you don’t have to put Black Bullet on Batoto. It’ll just make silly people get mad. huhu.
It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.42
DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Well it’s done. Hoorah. I’m sure you’ve heard all the other Watamote news that has been circulating lately. I’ll probably do a post write up later with links to where you can buy/preorder Vol.4 and the Anthology, like I did with the other three volumes. Will (probably) have to modify the chapter links when the official chapter numbers for the volume are out there.
Oh, Mediafire’s been kind of a pain in the ass to deal with lately so we’re looking for DDL alternatives if you have any. Needs to have no wait times, obviously. Thanks.