Imperial Guards c005 – DDL / Reader
Imperial Guards c006 – DDL / Reader
Imperial Guards c007 – DDL / Reader
Imperial Guards c008 – DDL / Reader
Imperial Guards c009 – DDL / Reader
<~Meiru>: m3ow, ningen: Release leftover anthology raws to public? Y/N
<Ningen>: Go for it
<M3OW>: yeah, i don’t care
I’m dumping the raws for the unreleased chapters from the Watamote Anthology. These are chapters 4 & 7-10. For one reason or another they were never put on priority and eventually fell the wayside. Instead of stalling 5ever like a bunch of other things we have, you can just have them. Do whatever you want with them. Scanlate it if you’re so inclined.
Scanned in at 600DPI 16-bit grey, shitty auto crop, light levels applied, downscaled to 2400px.
Link to Raws: [MEGA]
P.S. We got a bunch of DMCA takedowns yesterday. All I can say is: (^:
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c001 – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c002 {v2} – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c007 – DDL / Reader
Dead Dead Demons de DeDeDe Destruction c008 – DDL / Reader
To download the entire volume at once, go here, select all files, then download as zip:
[after chapter 08], it looks like it’s going on a break until October, with the first volume coming out in September.
-Translator 七麺蝶