Are you ready?

Watamote in 48 hours… maybe? I don’t know, this thing has a lot of redraws. The letters up all the way up to release will probably be streamed. There was no Tomomote last month. We double checked.

It’s time to work on manga again.

The big book of Alien

Oh, My Sweet Alien! (full book) — DDL: [Mediafire]
Updated ToC — Just grab it from here: [WP Upload]

I may or may not add a post image later.

This batch is exactly what it looks like: all releases of Alien to date combined into one, easy-to-carry package. In addition to throwing every page into one folder, there are three very small differences:

  1. The table of contents has been updated to reflect the correct chapter titles. If you want that but not the rest of the download, you can grab just that one image from the link above.
  2. Half of the redraw for the title on the first part was removed to keep it consistent with the way we did the rest of the book.
  3. All embedded credits have been removed; proper credits were added as a comment to the archive itself instead.

Also, my apologies go out to SeventyX7. It was my assumption that people wanting to reupload would be on the lookout for this stuff, so I thought italicizing a note about it at the very end of a not-that-long post was good enough. It seems I was wrong. I’ll be sure to put a note about the next volume batch in very large, bolded letters at the very beginning of the post.

Feel free to post any mirrors of this batch in the comments section. If they’re for sites that don’t suck, I might add ’em to this post!

A-blee, a-blee, a-blee, that’s all folks!

Alien 6.3 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Volume batch — DDL: [Mediafire]

And with that, we have officially completed volume 1. I’d like to get started right away on volume 2, but I can’t do that since it doesn’t exist in this dimension. For those who were not able to take the hint, that means the series is officially complete. There is no more.

It was fun while it lasted, but the source has dried up. I did see that a special edition of this book is now available, but I think the only new thing it features is a redesigned dust cover. Content-wise, it appears to be identical. There’s nothing stopping Mr. Miyata from going back later and adding some more, but that doesn’t look like it’ll happen any time soon. He seems pretty committed to his new series. Luckily, so am I. I’ll leave it at that.

Volume batch will be up in right now!

Shiiba-san no Ura no Kao Part 1

The-Face-of-PleasureDDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Sad Panda]

The WWW H-Mercenaries are at it again. Doing some hot Yuzuki N Dash shit because it’s Yuzuki N Dash.
Before you complain “MUH IMMERSION” about leaving ‘AHHs” and ‘NNNNs’ out, take a moment to think about just what the fuck you are complaining about. Thank you.

Puchimasu TL: And as expected, this page gets me off the most <Page# Here>
Puchimasu TL: Meaningful relationships is my fetish
Meiru: You sick fuck.

Edit: There were balloons left without text. This is entirely Puchi’s fault. I updated the MF link.

[21:28:47] Meiru: Is it fine, do we need to bother with QC
[21:29:18] Meiru: People are just going to feel fap. I’m not sure what to do.
[21:29:24] Puchimasu TL: It’s fine, it’s fine

Watamote Ch.41 + Announcements

WHO-IS-SHE-ANONDDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

After a good 7-8 hour marathon through this, it’s finally done. What a hefty chapter it ended up being. dusthillguy’s been working on redraws since yesterday but they proved to be plenty, so I offered to do the last few myself. It was tedious, and I ended up playing a game with my friends, but I got it done. [Here]

Which brings us to the announcements, I guess. So–the “big one”–after two years of beating around the bush and a bunch o’ staff discussions it was decided that we’ll open up donations. There was going to be a page to go along with how/why this became a conclusion, but it ended up being paragraphs with every rewrite so I opted not to do that. It’s just a button on the side. Not some fancy form, not some bar to guilt trip you into putting money to fill it up, just a button, with Mio. You can use it, ignore it, put it on your adblock forever, whatever you want. Any donations will primarily go towards getting raws that we need/use, mostly tanks, but also magazines nowadays too, as well as the occasional server upkeep. You have our gratitude.

The second is just a call for recruitment again. Scorpian is looking for a Translator for his next Miyata Kouji project/joint here, and I’m (still) looking around for a Typesetter for Houkago Play because it warrants a dedicated one. Now that finals are over, hopefully all the other things can start picking up again. Please.

Also obligatory “come visit the irc” comment here. I usually can be found just answering questions in there.