Motivation? What the hell is that?

Alien 4.2Alien 4.2 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Ohhhhh, Madoka. You’re so diabolical.

Good gravy, it’s way too easy for any motivation I have to just vanish. At least I was able to scrounge up enough of it to rebuild my computer. Over the past month, I bought a new motherboard, CPU, power supply, and dual GPUs. You can see the details on my profile if you’re interested. I’m going to work on overclocking the GPUs for now. I’ll get back to trying to obtain the magical 5.0GHz clock on the CPU once the new thermal paste I ordered gets here.

All Right

Ching Chong IntensifiesEffective immediately, we’re dropping Magical Angel Cosmos. Why are we dropping Cosmos, our original headlining series? Because someone else picked it up (find it on Batoto). Cosmos is both some of the most fun I’ve had working on manga, but also some of the most pain. Truth be told, waiting for someone else to pick it up for the past year is part of the reason why we were so slow to do it.

So what do we do from here? Provided I can stop playing Tera for all of a few hours to scan it, it’ll be full steam ahead with Houkago Play R. If not, well, let’s just hope I can stop.

Sorry all those that have spent over a year of their life waiting. I’m a shameful display to my family as it is.

Edit: For the record, before anyone accuses me, I was almost done with the volume anyway. Sans redraws.
Re:Edit: This if the first page scanned of HP:R, for scan testing purposes. Think of it what you will. [Here]

Muromi-san ex1

I'm not imaginative today

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

So it looks like we’re going to be picking this up. Kinda reminds me of Ika Musume. Also one thing to note, Muromi has a really deep accent, but we unilaterally decided we’re not going to try and decipher it(for those of you that are interested it’s apparently a really rural dialect that roughly translates to a deep southern accent). Watamote will be coming out later today, but probably won’t be released until tomorrow because Meiru still has to grind more in Tera.