Watamote! Ch.32.5 – We’re Already Dead Edition

It's a container of a mysterious white liquidDDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Against all odds, and despite my joke 15 chapters ago, Watamote now has a greenlit anime! It is definitely something I never imagined happening when I accidentally stumbled into the /a/ thread over a year ago at this point. I am damn well proud of everyone that is a fan of this manga, even those that created a stain on its ‘history’. Better rev up those bank accounts so you can buy the Blu-Rays.

The title “It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular!” has also been incorrect since the Anon translated it that way for Ch. 2. Yes, I’ve known this since then, but have kept it that way mostly for reader recognition purposes, and partly for nostalgia. (Current post title is this way because it was too long.)

Also this will be the last chapter tagged with ‘Loser Girl’. Been planning on changing it to Watamote for months, so now it finally has happened. Change your RSS feed accordingly.

Happy holidays!

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.32

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Truth be told, I’ve actually be on a bit of a ‘hiatus’ from scanlation. That’s why everyone else has been holding down the paper fort with releases between Watamote. But hey, winter is coming guys. Maybe I can actually work on that manga I haven’t done for months. Or maybe I can just sink another 100 hours into Vesperia, because it’s clearly the best Tales game. Yeah, I think I’ll do that soon. Hopefully.

Remember if you want to buy the volume, non affiliate links are here. Till next release then!

12/12/2012 Edit: Finished a bunch of website fixes. Some more noticeable than others.
16/12/2012 Edit: Server went down again because I wasn’t around to reinstate something. Sorry!
22/12/2012 Edit: There’s no real point to this edit. I just wanted to feel important too. :( -Scorp

Third Time’s the Charm

Volume 3 Pre-orders Are Go!

Probably rather late in posting about this, but I’ve been away for a week so that can’t be helped. I actually remember what I felt when working on every panel featured on the cover this time around, it’s pretty weird. I’m not redrawing bottom center again though, nope nope nope.

Amazon.co.jp | Honto | YesAsia | CDJapan
[¥500 = $6.08 USD = €4.70]

One again I recommend Honto or CDJapan with SAL shipping (2-4 weeks), or EMS (1-2 weeks) if you can afford it. The latter over the former if you can’t into runes. YesAsia can screw you over with shipment times. AmazonJP should be avoided unless you like paying 3x the price of the book for shipping itself.

Remember to support manga/authors you like!

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not… a Sweet Alien?

Watamote 31 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]
Sweet Alien 2.1 — DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

  • Watamote was delayed out of pure laziness since it was finished since the 15th.
  • Sweet Alien was delayed out of pure laziness since it was finished since the 16th.
  • Moved the IRC question to the side bar to replace the old one that’s been there forever.
  • Maybe releases will pick up after midterms and work stop killing everyone. Sure.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.30

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Delayed five days because I was too preoccupied watching a marathon to want to work on manga. dusthillguy saved my bacon again by redrawing 99.999999% of the pages. How does he do that!?

Things of Noteworthy Whatever (a.k.a. blatant self-promotion time):

  • Lots o’ stuff still being worked on still, maybe too much. (Includes far off future projects.)
  • Memoria, Alien, and especially, Cosmos and Soriaro Square aren’t dead, just slow. Really slow. I’m sorry.
  • PuchimasuTL and I attempted to sub an episode of Puchimasu for no reason. You can DL that here.
  • Without any explanation, I started speedrunning video games. I have the World Record for a game no one runs.
  • Love Despite is looking for sprite artists, if you want to do that for a visual novel, or something.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.27

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Delayed until today because of the big “Fuck you!” in terms of redrawing panels. (No offense to Tanigawa-sensei.) But they were all splendidly redrawn by dusthillguy in the end, so thank him if you see him!

Replaced Akatsuki no Memoria because I didn’t really have time to finish it for today, but at least the anime ended in a Yuriverse. We also finally got the lot of books we needed, so I have to ship them off to our scanner to, you know, scan… and stuff. Hopefully all of these will start picking back up within the year so help me 神様. I know too many people have been waiting for us to get back to them. I’m sorry…!

Edit: Holy crap. Just realized the export script messes up some of the compressed screentones before upload. I will remedy this with the next chapter.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.26

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Delayed because my computer was broken. Got it fixed at the cost of roughly $475 USD. At least it works now, I guess. Something slightly related may arise eventually, not too sure yet.

Chapter itself is extremely short. So short in fact that the entire thing was done (sans lettering) within about two hours of release. The next chapter should be the round off for Volume 3. I personally feel like the authors are slowly trying to finish it off already though. They did kinda want to do that with Volume 2…!

Oh, I fixed a bunch of website stuff no one really cares about, and Memoria should be next Sunday.

It’s Not My Fault That I’m Not Popular! Ch.25

DDL: [Mediafire] | Online: [Reader]

Yes, yes. Delayed almost two weeks due to Ningen contracting disease due to being in a third world country. (Why would you even go there?) The manga’s been on a two-week hiatus anyway, so I suppose we released somewhat timely. Remember to report any problems you have and what not.

School just started so this new-found speed we have might decrease a tad, or speed up exponentially. Who knows.